Editorial Independence Policy
The Centre For Responsible Drug Policy ("CRDP") will accept sponsorships, grants, and gifts from organizations and individuals, but in all cases it will retain authority over its own editorial decisions. The only way that revenue may impact such decisions is when the CRDP accepts restricted grants that support specific areas of research. In such cases, the CRDP retains full discretion over any viewpoints expressed during the production of such research or related content. All restricted grants will be publicly described in our list of funders, and materials funded by such grants will be publicly identified as such.
The CRDP will make public all donors who give a total of $500 or more in any year, except when private individuals insist upon anonymity, as described in the CRDP’s Donor Transparency Policy. Acceptance of financial support from a donor does not imply endorsement of their services, products, or opinions.